- Setterwalls, 2011
- Secondee, Pinsent Masons, 2015
- Notarie, Helsingborgs tingsrätt, 2011-2013
- A new cyber security law – The Swedish approach to the NIS 2 Directive, 2024
- Life Sciences Report, 2023
- Open Finance under FIDA – What to Expect from a Swedish Perspective, 2023
- Key takeaways from the new SFSA report on open finance in Sweden, 2023
- Life Sciences Report, 2023
- Is the insurance and reinsurance sector up to date on the EIOPA Guidelines on outsourcing?, 2022
- Life Sciences Report, 2022
- The EU’s proposed AI Act will constitute further significant regulation of innovative digital solutions. How can our experience of the GDPR help us adapt to new requirements in the life sciences sector?, 2022
- Softening the blow? Potential limitations of applying GDPR fines under Swedish constitutional and administrative procedure law, 2022
- Life Sciences Report, 2022
- Life Sciences Report, 2022
- Setterwalls skriver rapport för den statliga Betalningsutredningen, 2021
- Life Sciences Report, 2021
- Sweden’s requirements for processing health data in the cloud – key takeaways from the recent IMY decision, 2021
- The New MDCG Guidance: What does it mean for software providers?, 2021
- EU-kommissionen beslutar om adekvat skyddsnivå för Storbritannien, 2021
- The Swedish Data Protection Authority’s focus on new technologies – what does it mean for the Fintech sector?, 2021
- Life Sciences Report, 2021
- Access authorisation and a needs and risk analysis – a mandatory organisational security measure for health data processing in Sweden?, 2021
- Five steps to facilitate service contract negotiations with the banks (and other large financial actors) – how to prepare for an optimal process, 2020
- COVID-19: Kommissionen antar digital verktygslåda för att stötta exitstrategier, 2020
- Kommissionen föreslår uppskjuten tillämpning av MDR, 2020
- Kliniska prövningar under en pandemi – COVID-19 och dess påverkan på kliniska prövningar, 2020
- Kommissionen meddelar att de avser att presentera ett förslag om att skjuta på tillämpningen av MDR, 2020
- MedTech Europe kräver uppskjuten tillämpning av MDR och IVDR, 2020
- The Facebook Libra blockchain: Are cryptocurrencies going mainstream and what are the main legal challenges from a Swedish perspective?, 2019
- FinTech Report, 2017
- Free access to data – disruption for data based business models?, 2017
- Open source software – how to carry out the due diligence, 2017
- Life Sciences Report, 2015
- Can special approvals also be marketing authorisations? – when does the SPC clock actually start ticking?, 2015
- Juristexamen, Lunds universitet 2011